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Posted on Wed Nov 7th, 2018 @ 11:06pm by Captain Gary Alexander & Commander Konya Misoka

742 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 0 - Pre-Sigma Iotia II
Location: Bridge?
Timeline: 2167/07/02 1330

It had been a good day already. He had a date lined up for 1800 with Ci and another with Fiona at 1800 on the following day. He was quite enthused about those prospects. However, he had not yet met his XO and was interested in meeting this tough Asian beauty. He wondered exactly what she would bring to his team.

Checking with some juniors at the bridge for the systems to get it ready for launch. She looked at the Captain "Captain on the bridge" Everyone saluted him as Konya gave a brief salute herself "Captain" She formally nodded to him and placed her hands behind her back.

Gary gave a limp but amused salute. "No need to be so formal on my account, at least not at this juncture." He looked at his XO and said, "You must be Commander Misoka. I have been looking forward to meeting you." He gave the woman a sly grin. "Perhaps I could borrow a bit of your time?"

They lowered their salute and resumed duty as Konya blinked a few times "Of course Captain, what can I do for you?" She replied in a rather formal tone.

"I'd like to get to know you," Gary responded. "We're going to have something like five years together and it seemed like I should get to know the person that is going to be pulling the triggers," he replied with a mischievous grin. "Why Horizon, Konya?"

"Because there are ships out there that stick to home. I want to go towards the unknown and explore as much as I can, Captain," Konya said with some pride in her voice "What about you, why did you take this assignment to travel into the unknown?"

"Would you believe to get away from my ex-wife?" He smiled and laughed but his eyes and body language told Konya that what he was telling her was the truth. "Though, I do admit that I like the excitement of the unknown."

Nodding towards him, she looked a bit around. "Well, family affairs are a valid reason I guess," Konya replied towards her Captain. "I guess there is still much to be explored to keep us busy from home."

Gary smiled at how this conversation was going. That had to be a purposeful double entendre. "Indeed, I enjoy exploring and being busy far from home. Then again, I believe home is wherever the heart is. Would you not agree?"

"I do agree, but the ship is new and fresh. People are getting to know each other and to call this ship a home is a bit premature do you not agree with that?" Konya replied looking at him.

Gary slapped a chair. "This has been sat in by other crew members. Granted, they have been relieved of duty but this is our ship now and where we will be for the next few years. Home is where the heart is, Misoka and mine is here."

Looking at the Captain she grin a bit "Speak for yourself Captain, I make this my home when I find it suited to be my home" She pointed out and looked at the bridge crew "Seeing they are in need of some guidance, anything else you required of me, Captain?"

"I could always assist you in making this your home," Gary stated full of innuendo.

She grin and notice some bridge officers required some help "Well we shall see Captain, I believe the crew needs some help with their systems, it is after all, a recycled ship" Konya replied.

"I prefer to think of her as broken in or experienced. After all, it may be exciting to take on that maiden voyage but then there is all the teaching and odd quirks while you try to get accustomed," he replied with knowing innuendo. "I think that the mature ship knows exactly how to respond when you press the right buttons."

Walking towards the Ensign that was struggling with the 'mature' systems "Well we shall see Captain, good day" Konya replied with a smile and walked towards the Ensign "What seems the problem?"

Gary blinked a couple of times when his Armory Chief simply left. However, he knew he had a couple of fish in his barrel. Getting over the disappointment quickly, he left Konya to assist the Ensign and decided that he would come back to her when time passed enough to make her realize how much he was desired.


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