Due Diligence and Duty
Posted on Tue Aug 6th, 2019 @ 11:58pm by Karina Tell
373 words; about a 2 minute read
Mission 0 - Pre-Sigma Iotia II
Location: Yeoman's Office
Tags: Anyone
Karina Alicia Tell's head bolted up from her desk, face imprinted slightly with the PADD she had fallen asleep on. A now ice-cold cup of coffee teasing her with potential was narrowly missed by her sweeping elbow as she blinked herself awake.
Resting her bleary eyes as she hastily pushed the sleep out of them, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Somewhere in between the exhale and the inhale, a satisfying yawn overtook her and she stretched, feeling the final weariness of the sudden nap leave her muscles.
Grabbing her cup with some speed brought on by self-recrimination, KAT poured the disappointment out of the cup and went back to resolutely have a full and decent cup of hot coffee while she went over the Ship's Roster again for good measure. Never let it be said that she wasn't thorough.
She had been away before they shipped out... and now that time she spent for herself was catching up with her. Now she had half the time to complete her review, introduce herself to the Bridge Crew, make herself acquainted with the entire crew as they came aboard and also make sure that Captain Alexander was taken care of as well.
She absent-mindedly sipped her coffee as her mind went over the list again; faces and commendations and ranks swam in her mind. The caffeine wasn't working and a headache, probably brought on by a lack of food, wasn't helping her concentrate any better.
PADD in her left hand, more like an extra appendage rather than just a tool, she drained her cup and thought it would be a good choice to head for the Mess.
After all, she felt a bit of one herself, a mess that is, as she pushed her disheveled blond hair into a makeshift ponytail. Taking a quick look at her face in the mirror, her green eyes appraised her appearance.
"Let's hope that mark fades before I run into anyone," muttered KAT as she smoothed her uniform and walked into the corridor. Her stomach approved of her choice of destination as it grumbled a little. She pressed the PADD into her stomach, hoping to shut it up as the lift doors slid open.