None of the trouble , all the research
Posted on Mon Jul 27th, 2020 @ 3:01am by Lieutenant Chadrick McNier
Edited on on Mon Feb 1st, 2021 @ 5:12am
547 words; about a 3 minute read
Mission 0 - Pre-Sigma Iotia II
Location: Science Lab One
Timeline: 2167/07/12 1942 hours
The lab was all aflutter with several interesting projects that were nearing the end of their Dwell Times; a fellow Scientist named Marcia, had mentioned that chemistry is just like cooking only more explosive in some cases. SHe was a good minded woman; not one to be talking of things aside from the tasks at hand. Well, he did not really recall any serious conversations as they had a lot of work to be done.
There was the time they had the Neutron particles going though the solar radiation level of a Red Dwarf and she felt the time lull would be open forum and mentioned how she was not having any real 'luck' with the men she dated of late. Being a 'Lady' their advances were set aside as she had loftier goals. That conversation was interrupted as the radiation levels of the Red Dwarf did affect the experiment as planned but 'her' explanation was longer than the Dwell time and nearly cost them the lab and experiment. She failed to conclude what her more loft goal was and as an Officer and Gentleman it did not seem as important with the data collected.
Right now he had managed to scoop a few loose particles as the Horizon was cruising about; the Spectrum Analyzer was breaking down and crunching the probabilities and matching them to the know chemical compositions encounters before. McNier would write a fine paper if he could collate where the particle changes are occurring and what factors might be in the process.
Walking over to the sentiment samples from an asteroid McNier had to see how exposed the outer layer of asteroids; and other matter, are affected by the Sol system Solar Winds. The varied radiation and gravitational factors could also be broken down.
While he waited for the results and computer projections McNier updated the Science Database with the list of projects being experimented upon by the Labs; the Chief has far too many other duties; both political and running of personnel, that the Database was given to McNier to maintain and update.
The Gamma Shift crew; his preferred shift as it had the most quiet and thus allowed him more freedom of experimentation; he was also given to Bridge Duty. What happened on the Gamma Shift; often called the Graveyard shift, as it was the hours of 2 am to 4 am that the human mind and body were at their most mentally inactive. Mostly due to the whole planetary day and night cycles ingrained into humans complement of Mother Earth. It was a odd fact his instructors in Basic Psychology had point out and how computers were went into 'Save Mode and thus the computation speeds lowered as the system did the daily backing up of all memory. Computers are based upon humans who programmed them; the only real reason McNier concerned himself with human sleep and affects of late night behavior is about how those 'programmed tendencies in his computation timelines. If the humans were lethargic and computers down-loaded, he would take those hours to sit in the Center chair and wait the 'Reboot time' of the ship and do his Bridge logs and such to be saved when the computers are ready?
SO he continued is typical day.