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Fiona 2: Fiona Harder!

Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2020 @ 1:42pm by Captain Gary Alexander & Lieutenant Fiona Stanzel

775 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 0 - Pre-Sigma Iotia II
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 2167/07/11 1145

So many changes on Gary's ship. He wondered what was occurring. His Chiefs of staff were turning over faster than rats leaving a sinking ship. However, Horizon had not yet even debarked.

Mentally, he shrugged. At least he still had KAT, Ci for a good time, and Fiona for training. Some afternoon delight was definitely called for. KAT was for mornings and potentially some evenings. Ci was definitely for evenings but Fiona was for any time. He could see her easily and there would be viable excuses for spending some private time with her.

He strolled into sickbay and called out. "Yoo hoo! Doctor, where are you?" Not seeing her at first he said, "Come on out Fiona. I think we need to spend some time discussing the crew's health!"

Fiona had been completing an inventory of her supplies when the Captain had walked in. She had been totally lost in her own thoughts and had been unaware of his presence until she had heard her call out to her, or whatever it was that he was doing.

"Over here Captain." She said over her shoulder in the stock room.

Gary heard the voice but it was slightly off. He figured it must be because she was in the stock room. He went in and saw a brunette that his best estimation figured was four inches smaller than the woman he sought. "Excuse me," he said professionally. "I'm looking for Fiona. Have you seen her?"

"You found her Captain, what can I do for you?" Fiona smiled as she turned to face her commanding officer.

"You're not my...." Gary stopped and tried to compose himself, obviously confused. "My Chief Medical Officer is Fiona, a pale skinned Irish redhead. Who, may I ask, are you? And where is my Chief Medical Officer?"

"Ah the other Fiona?" Stanzel stated. "Reassigned is what I am told, I am Fiona Stanzel, assigned to replace her."

"Reassigned?" Gary asked, more than a little surprised. "KAT never told me that," he complained. "I wonder why." The Captain's mood, if slightly morose, started to brighten with every word he uttered. Well, where one door closes, another opens. Though, I will miss training the other Fiona. "Well, I suppose that it will not be a great deal of effort to learn your name." He chuckled lightly.

"Well, Fiona, why don't you tell me about yourself? Normally, I would have been briefed, but seeing as that you're a bit of a surprise, I should like to know how pleasant of one it shall be." He gave Fiona a winning grin.

Fiona smiled slightly. "I am pretty much an open book, and what is in my service record. " She jumped down from the step she had been working on. "I have been focused on my career, so that is who i am."

Gary shook his head disapprovingly. "All work and no play makes Fiona a dull girl!" He tsked. "You must have some hobbies."

Fiona laughed and cracked a smile. "My Captain, are you already flirting with me?" She asked. "I watch old American Football games, while I am getting caught up on my Medical journals."

"Would you be disappointed if I weren't flirting with you?" Gary asked with a certain smile. "So, American football, you say? What teams do you prefer?"

"I would be surprised if you weren't" Fiona smiled. "I watch old Bills and Seahawks games every sunday, when I am not on duty, The library computer has their games archived."

"Seahawks were definitely a team to watch. Vikings, as well. Tell me, why the Bills? They blew something like 4 Super Bowls in a row."

"You can learn more from Failure than Victory at times." Fiona said simply as she went back to sorting things on the shelf.

"At times," Gary hesitantly agreed. "However, most times in life, we only get one chance to do things right. A chance to gain from the failure is likely gone."

Fiona nodded. "This is true, but i prefer to think that everything we learn in life can be used at some point." She went back to stocking the shelf. "What can I do for you Captain?"

"Well," Gary replied smiling, "I *WAS* looking for my other Fiona. However, perhaps you can accompany me for dinner instead."

"Would love to, say 7, when I am done with this inventory." Fiona stated. "Or another night if you are interested?"

At first Gary was concerned that this Fiona might be less playful but now it appeared she was warming up. Perhaps one Fiona was as good as another. "1900 is just fine with me. I will see you then."


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